Friday, August 12, 2011

Home Remedies for Anemia

!9# Home Remedies for Anemia

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Anemia is one of the largest, undiagnosed problems in today's world. You feel worn out, tired and had all the time. Anemia occurs when the hemoglobin and red pigment that carries oxygen in red blood cells, the cells is lower than normal. Without iron in the diet, the body can not contain enough hemoglobin to the needs of your body. Although people can suffer from anemia at any age, including those who are particularly vulnerable:

• menstruation or pregnancy
• Older people
• Vegetarians

There are many different types of anemia, aplastic anemia, Fanconi anemia, folic acid anemia, hemolytic anemia, iron deficiency anemia, megaloblastic anemia, pernicious anemia, thalassemia and myelodysplastic syndrome.

Anemia occurs in three ways: through diet, acquired or genetic factors.


Nutritional anemias arise because the body has a deficiency of certain nutrients like iron, forFormation of healthy red blood cells. Sometimes this type of anemia due to blood loss is acute or chronic and often heavy menstruation. This type of anemia can be easily treated with dietary changes.


These types of anemia occur after exposure to, toxins, viruses, chemicals or drugs. They influence the body's ability to produce healthy blood cells. Acquired anemia are often treated with medication or, in extreme cases, bone marrowTransplantation.


Hereditary anemia is a genetic inability to produce enough healthy blood cells. Deal with this type of anemia in the same way to treat anemia acquired.

Not Iron Pump, Eat It

The easiest way to get more iron in your diet is to take an iron supplement. They are inexpensive and easy to take.

However, before you pop a pill. In addition to iron supplements, is the best way to increase your intake of iron as iron-rich foods, and avoid eating other foodsyou can prevent your body needs to absorb iron.

Some of the best sources of iron include lean red meat, egg yolk, dark turkey meat, skinless chicken breasts and even a can of tuna. You can also meals of liver, kidneys or other organs, but all are high in cholesterol and can not fit into your diet.

Leaf vegetables are key

Everyone has been told that their spinach for vitamins and minerals that contains food, but the spinach is not the only plantSource of iron. Other good sources are green leafy vegetables and beans, peanut butter, oatmeal, whole grains, enriched breads and cereals, prunes and apricots, raisins and sunflower seeds. Even a good tablespoon of molasses can provide an iron.

Vitamin C is important

When you eat more iron-rich foods, try some vitamin C in your system, at the same time, because vitamin C helps the body absorb iron more quickly. It 'easy to vitamin C,Your body, when a glass of orange juice or tomato juice with your meals. Eating a baked potato and broccoli with some of your lean steak, and you created a healthy iron and vitamin C-rich meal.

Avoid coffee and tea

Above all, resist the temptation of a cup of coffee or tea to drink with breakfast cereal. Coffee and tea contain tannins, which bind the iron and allow iron to be absorbed. In fact, research suggests that drinking tea can be a source of severe anemia,because tea can reduce the body's ability to absorb iron from food to more than 95 percent. If the cup of coffee or tea in the morning need, try to wait an hour or two after breakfast, before chugging before that first cup of caffeine.

Home Remedies for Anemia

Best Prices Irregular Ekg

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